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Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

Smith, N. and Snider A.M. (2023) ‘Healing, faith and fear: Church opening in the United States during COVID-19 restrictions’, Journal of Contemporary Religion. Available at:

Topham, J. and Smith, N. (2023) ‘One day of eating: Tracing misinformation in ‘What I Eat In A Day’ videos’, Journal of Sociology. Available at:

Walters, P. and Smith, N. (2022) ‘It’s So Ridiculously Soulless: Geolocative Media, Place And Third Wave Gentrification’, Space and Culture. Available at:

Barratt, M. J, Maddox, A., Smith, N., Davis, J., Goold, L., Winstock, A. and Ferris, J. (2022) ‘Who uses digital drugs? An international survey of ‘binaural beat’ consumers’, Drug and Alcohol Review. Available at:

Smith, N. and Southerton, C.  (2022) ‘#FreeBritney and the Pleasures of Conspiracy’, M/C Journal, 25(1):

Smith, N. and Copland, S. (2021) ‘Memetic Moments: The Speed of Twitter Memes, Journal of Digital Social Research , 4(3): 23-48.

Snider, A.M. and Smith, N. (2021) ‘Spirituality as Detachment and Comfort in the context of Depression’ Journal for the Study of Spirituality, 1(2): 117-129

Smith, N. (2021) ‘Between, behind and out of sight: conversation in dark social spaces’, M/C Journal, 24(2):

 Davis, J. L., Altmann, E., Barnes, N.,  Chouinard, J., Compton, D. R., Crowell, A. R. Cook, P., Copland, S., Dunstan, L.,  Gary, K., Jobin, A., Julien, C., Keane, H., Killen, G.,  Hùòng L., Lê, J.,  Lockie, S. D., Lyall, B.,  Maitahitui, Maddox, A. … Smith, N… and Wong, M. (2020) ‘A crowdsourced sociology of COVID-19’, Contexts.

 Snider, A.M. and Smith, N. (2020) ‘Recovery from depression: re-envisioning the connection between recovery and spirituality’ Mental Health and Social Inclusion, 25(1): 88-102.

Smith, N. and Holtum. P.J. (2019) ‘New Subjectivities of Work?: Technology, Capitalism and the Future of Work’ Arena Journal, 51: 153-176.

Smith, N. and Snider, A.M. (2018) ‘ASMR, Affect and Digitally-Mediated Intimacy’, Emotion, Space and Society, 30:41-48

Smith, N. and Walters, P. (2017) ‘Desire Lines and Defensive Architecture in Modern Urban Environments’ Urban Studies, 55(13): 2980-2995

Lyons, K. and Smith, N. (2017)Governing  with Ignorance: Understanding Australiana’s Food Regulator’s Response to Nano Food Industries’ NanoEthics, 12(1): 27-38

Smith N. and Graham, T. (2017) ‘Mapping the anti-vaccination movement on Facebook’ Information, Communication and Society, 22(9): 1310-1327.

Smith, N., Wickes, R. and Underwood, M. (2015) “Managing a marginalised identity in pro-anorexia and fat  acceptance cybercommunities”, Journal of Sociology, 51 (4): 950-967.

Book Chapters

Smith, N. and Snider, A. M. (2021) The Headphone, in ed. H. Schulze, The Bloomsbury Handbook of The Anthropology of Sound, pp. 27-42, London: Bloomsbury.

Smith, N. (2020) Social media, community and rural crime prevention, in ed. A. Harkness, Rural Crime Prevention: Theory, Tactics and Techniques, Routledge.

Yell, S. and Smith, N. (2020) The dynamics of place-based virtual communities: Social media in a region in transition, in eds. M. Duffy, B. Edmondson and A. Campbell, Located research: methodologies and approaches to regional research, pp. 203-222, Palgrave MacMillan

 Editor: Journal Special Issues

Smith, N., Southerton, C. Maddox, A. and Baker, S. (March 2022,) ‘Conspiracy’, M/C Journal, 25(1) Available at:

Smith, N. and Southerton, C. (2023, forthcoming) ‘What do misinformation practices feel like? Wellness culture and digital health in a post-COVID world.’ Journal of Sociology (Special Issue)